Thursday, February 4, 2016

@Influenster Ore-Ida Tater Tots Totchos #JingleVoxBox

I love being an Influenster.  VoxBoxes both introduce me to great new products as well as reminding me of classic products I love.

And this is what happened when I unboxed my #JingleVoxBox and discovered a coupon for Ore-Ida Tater Tots.  I have loved Tater Tots since I was a tater tot, but I've never had them like this!

I have now been introduced to Totchos.  What's a Totcho, you ask?  Well, I asked too.  It's Nachos + Tater Tots = Totchos.

After thinking back, I realized that I've never done anything else with my Tater Tots other than bake them and dip them in ketchup.  So I was in for a new experience.

My review?  They're fantastic!  I'm never going to look at a bag of Tater Tots the same again.  And the best part is that Totchos are easy to make, and easy to mess around with.  There is no right or wrong way to make a Totcho - just throw some cheesy goodness and toppings on to a pile of Tater Tots and go for it. 

This video explains it all:

So head to the store and pick up some Ore-Ida Tater Tots.  Make some Totchos and have a great time.

Thanks to Influenster and Ore-Ida for the free tester sample of Tater Tots for review purposes.

Hashtag: #OreIdaTotchos
Facebook: Ore-Ida
PinterestOre-Ida Potatoes


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