Friday, October 30, 2009

Family Time - Game Night with Dora Chutes & Ladders

We're trying to start playing games.  We need to learn about taking turns, winning and losing, and just spending a few minutes together.  I figure it's never too early to start ... and if we don't try, we'll never figure it out.

So tonight was our second attempt at Chutes and Ladders.  And we did better!

Last time we only got to about square 30 before  it was game over.  We needed octopus arm extensions to keep the game moving, keep the kids off the board, and keep hands off of the playing piece (the little Dora figurines are way tempting!)

Tonight we got to square 50!  And we probably could have gone further, but it was getting very squirmy and we decided to cut it off while it was still a good experience.  Dew2 won, we celebrated that, and Dew1 was very happy for him.  I was pleased to see it.  Amazingly, we got both boys to square 45 before someone hit either a chute or a ladder!  So the game was actually longer than it seemed.  And it was longer than last time - progress is being made, even if it took both adults to wrangle both kids.

The weird thing for me is that I grew up with Snakes and Ladders.  But that's another post.

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