Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Organizing ...

I am a victim of my own brain.

I see tons of great ideas online.  I clip them to Evernote or bookmark them in ReadItLater ... I print them out ... I even start to make some of them ...

and yet I feel like nothing gets done.  I see these great blogs that have new and exciting activities out every week, and I feel like a failure.

My biggest problem is that I think too much.  Possibly, to take some of the blame off of me, it's the Dew's faults that I do this.  They are not your usual kids, and as a result I can not approach some activities the way most parents can.

For example, they do not like matching activities that are just cards in a box.  The dis-organization of it is too much for them to handle.  As a result, they become file folder games.  Which pose their own problems ... the biggest one is what to do with the pieces?  I know that if I tape an envelope or zip loc to the back, it will get torn off first go-round.  so they end up stuck inside, and then within a few minutes they are all over the entire house, never to be seen again.  sigh.

I have many many ideas and activities that I have printed out and started to organize, but just never finished.

I can't just put out workboxes - they'll pop off the lids and we'll have stuff everywhere.

And then there is LapBooking vs NoteBooking.  I have spent countless hours, insomnia-filled nights, and travelling time pondering it all.  I love lapbooks, but like the functionality of binders.  So, how to join them up?  and then when I finally do get one together, they destroy another.  The Cars totbook from Carisa at 1+1+1=1 lasted a little while, but the books are torn out, and the cards are missing (because let's face it, paperclips are just not enough for that job).

So I need to subscribe to my scrapbooking mantra...

Done is Better than Perfect.  Just do it.  By the time I get it all figured out, the Dews will be 15.

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