Friday, July 20, 2012

ICAD 2, Week 1, 1- Map

I have been admiring Daisy Yellow's Index Card A Day (ICAD) for over a year now.  I have had every intention of taking part since first discovering it last summer.  But I let life get in the way, and spent all of my time debating the hows instead of just doing it.
I was so excited to discover earlier this spring that it ICAD 2 was on it's way!  I was committed to doing it this year.  And then life got in the way ... we moved on June 30th, so I spent the entire month of June packing.  No worries, I told myself.  The moment we get there I'll get started.  But I didn't.

I have a dear friend who inspires me every day.  She is the most creative person I know (I keep her creative products around me as comfort and inspiration) and has a heart of gold.  But she struggles, and I would do anything to take away her struggles.  When she struggles, I encourage her to turn to her creativity and let it help her heal.  I was sending such an email this morning and then realized something ... I really should take my own advice.  I am starting yet another new chapter in my life, and it's time to let my creativity out.  I'm tired of letting my life get in my way.
So here it is.  My first ICAD.  I know that Daisy Yellow says to just join and start wherever they are, but I wanted to start at the beginning.

I mulled over which map to draw.  The neighbourhood where I grew up?  My neighbourhood in NYC?  The several communities we moved to after?  The neighbourhoods where I worked?  Nope.  My new neighbourhood.  This is a new process and here is where it started.  I can see this launching into a series of some sort ... but for now, here it is.  I used my trusty Crayola watercolours - not a medium I'm familiar with, but in the words of another dear friend ... Done is Better than Perfect.

And with that, it's done.  My first ICAD.

Now to give this blog a new face... :)

So thanks to my dear friend for inspiring me to get started.  You inspire me in ways you don't know.

Index Card a Day is the original idea of Daisy Yellow Art

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